$132: Projected Village Tax Increase
11/4/21 Village Budget Work Session
by Irene Wrenner
November 6, 2021
10 highlights from the November 4th Village Budget Work Session:
1. A 13.2% municipal tax increase is proposed for Village taxpayers ($132 per year for a $300K property). The Trustees may cut corners to shave one or two percent off the increase between now and the vote in April. An additional FY23 Town tax increase will be discussed on November 9th and voted on in March.
2. Sarah Macy, Finance Director, has resigned effective Dec. 3rd.

3. More than 3 new Village staff positions need funding, including a Village Manager and Assistant/HR Manager.
4. EJRP will transfer a customer services rep from the Town.
5. Brownell Library seeks to convert a part-time position to full-time to provide standard services and consistent hours.
6. The Village Public Works Garage needs replacement very soon. Other infrastructure issues are becoming more acute.
7. The Wastewater Treatment Facility needs Town IT to support a tech issue that they can’t contract out, due to security and firewalls.
8 . Essex Rescue seeks an increase to $220K from $75K. Currently all of that is billed to the Town. Nearly half will be paid by City taxpayers in FY24.
9. The Village currently sets aside just 10% of operating expenses for contingencies. Village voters should be asked to raise that set aside to 15% or more, to align with industry standards; this budget uses 10%.
10. Grand list growth is anemic, causing taxes to rise higher and faster than ever.
This six-hour meeting was live-streamed and recorded by the Essex Retorter. Watch Parts 1 and 2 via their respective links on our Facebook page.